My Teaching Philosphy
Philosophy - a set of beliefs a person or group of people
hold to shape the
educational system. It incorporates why, what, and how to teach students.
My philosophy of teaching is to help all students while
trying to make ideas
understandable and to try to understand students individually and personally.
disagree that the purpose of teaching is to score well on tests because I
think the purpose of teaching is to prepare students for the rest of their
lives. This
involves trying to make the students well educated about society so the economy
the students benefit. I think that students will be more interested
in learning if they can
incorporate the ideas into real life situations. I think that learning
is easiest if the
student wants to learn and the most learning will get done if the student
is enjoying it.
Although I realize that some students may never enjoy math but they will
need it in the
future to balance a checkbook so it must be taught. During school a
student should
realize his/her strengths so they can learn to build on them and use them
in his/her
future career(s).
So in summary, I think that students should be required
to learn a certain
curriculum so they can function in the future. While learning, the
material should be
related to life experiences as much as possible so it will be memorable and
usable. The
material should also be presented in an exciting way to gather interest and
students' curiosity. I think all of these things will help a student
develop his/her personal
skills and as a future member of society.