A Sample Lesson Plan

Title: Writing Equations
Subject: Math
Grade Level: 7-9

Following an experiment on variables, junior high students will be able to give values to a variable and use this information to write an equation and solve for the unknown variable.

Materials Needed:
For each group of 3 students: 6 small containers, 60 small countable objects, and code sheet prepared by teacher.

Explain to students that they will play a game today in which they try to solve other teams’ "Secret numbers."

1. Divide the class into groups of 3. Have each group select a recorder to keep track of the events beginning in
 step 6. Distribute 6 containers and 60 objects to each group.
2. Each group is assigned a different letter of the alphabet and each of the group’s 6 containers is labeled with the uppercase form of that letter.
3. Each group chooses a "secret number" between one and ten and informs the teacher of their choice. The teacher keeps a record of all "secret numbers" on his/her code sheet, and tries to get groups to have a variety of numbers.
4. Then have each group place the "secret number" of counters in each of their six containers.
5. Each group will now have 6 containers, each of which contain the same number of counters and the same letter of the alphabet. Discuss ways to express the total number of counters in all 6 containers. For example: if the letter is M then their six containers is represented by M+M+M+M+M+M = 6M or if the letter is Y then Y+Y+Y+Y+Y+Y = 6Y.
6. Have each group exchange some containers with one other group. For example, 2 M containers are exchanged for 2 Y containers. Each group records its holdings in the following manner: M+M+M+M+Y+Y or 4M + 2Y and Y+Y+Y+Y+M+M or 4Y +2M.
7. Each group confers with the teacher who checks the code sheet to tell them the total number of counters their groups is holding. So if the first group has 4M + 2Y counters, the teacher will tell them they have 22 counters.
8. Each group writes and then solves the equation they have developed to solve for the unknown variable.
9. Students continue to trade until they have discovered each group’s "secret number" or until the class is done.

Students will be evaluated through observation and written evaluation on a worksheet.
